CM to Inch

Here is a free tool/table for you to use to convert cm to inches for your paint by number Kit. Use this table to make conversion from cm to inches easier for you. Inches are rounded up to take care of the decimals when converting the numbers, so be sure to take that into account when planning out where you want to hang your picture or the size of the frame you intend to use for your paint by number painting.


CM ~Inch (Rounded up)
20x25 8"x10"
30x30 12"x12"
30x40 12"x16"
30x60 12"x24"
30x75 12"x30"
35x50 14"x20"
40x40 16"x16"
40x50 16"x20"
40x60 16"x24"
40x65 16"x26"
40x75 16"x30"
50x50 20"x20"
50x60 20"x24"
50x65 20"x26"
60x60 24"x24"
60x75 24"x30"
70x70 27.5"x27.5"